Our webbing strap keepers, also known as a webbing strap retainer or keeper loops, offers several benefits, especially when used with backpacks, outdoor gear, and other items that have adjustable straps.
Webbing Thickness: Compatible with webbing with similar thickness to a nickel or molle backpack webbing. We do not recommend for thick webbing. See example pictures.
Durability: Designed to withstand harsh conditions, including exposure to the elements and heavy wear. Our acetal plastic keepers will not degrade with exposure to salt water, sun, ice or snow.
Reduced Snagging & Tangling: The primary benefit of a strap keeper is that it keeps excess strap lengths neatly secured, preventing them from dangling or flapping around.
Versatility: Strap keepers can be used on a wide range of gear, including backpacks, sternum straps, luggage, shoulder straps and other outdoor equipment, making them a versatile addition to your equipment.